Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Still Thankful

OK, ok, I know it's been a little while since Thanksgiving. However I am at last ready to blog about it. Thanksgiving and the few days before were wonderful! I was blessed to celebrate in St. George with some of my extended family. I got to spend time with my mom and dad’s parents, my great aunt and uncle, and my mom’s sister and family. There was much fun game playing, delicious food, and some slightly out of hand napkin folding. I loved it!

(A sample of some of Sydney and my fine work)

Then if this was not enough, the day after Thanksgiving two of my good friends from school, Nick and Stephanie came down and we left on a weekend whirlwind trip to California. I don’t even know how to express how great it was. I just have to sum it up as simply AMAZING!

Our log (which Nick claims is not funny anymore) included items such as our gas tank overflowing and running down the side of the car, Steph getting hit on by multiple strange men/promising to return for them some day, and much more. The real highlights though were probably all of Saturday: going to the beach with our wonderful hosts

where there were swings on the beach! So great!

Where we "gifted mussels back to the sea" (Nick is making his wish)

And where a local fisherman insisted that I pose with his buddy's pole so it looked like I caught a fish. After the beach it was on to eating tasty Thai food,

visiting the Getty Museum,

and of course going to see Wicked!! I think all three of us agree that we need to travel together again very soon. It was like I said, AMAZING!


Jeanelle said...

I forgot to ask you how Wicked was when we talked the other night. Was this your second time seeing it or first? It's probably my second favorite show in life, after Les Miserables (but a very close second.) Can't wait to see you in a week! If neither one of us has a hot date this Saturday, want to go do something??

ammunk said...

I saw Wicked about three years ago, so this was my second time. It was even better than I remembered! Oh, and I will cancel my five+ dates for Saturday and we can do something fun. Just give me a call when you get a chance.